Ham Radio

 Ham Radio 

Justin Andrew and Kay Houser

Ham radio (aka amateur radio) is a form of long distance wireless communication. Amateur radio operators are able to communicate with people all across the globe. 

Benefits are similar to “walkie talkies” where users do not rely on a cell phone network to communicate with others.

Ham radio is an improved method over 2-way radios because licensed users are allowed to communicate using radios with much higher output power using dedicated specific radio frequencies. These benefits provide a way to communicate with people outside of your immediate geographical area. 

Some resources are below:

Amateur radio relay league- https://www.arrl.org

Ham Study (Study prep for the license test)-https://hamstudy.org/

Amateur radio supplies-https://www.hamradio.com/

UVARC (Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club)-https://uvarc.club/
